Well, life has been so... topsey turvey and complicated lately! All interuptus and not enough workus. However, parents' health willing, I can get a smooth go at finishing some commissions for a while; and starting new ones.
Not that it's just the Aged P's that have been in need of my attentions; some deadlines and events just refuse to be moved!
Potfest (see older post) and the PVAF Big Forum Weekend I was involved in organising. (That's Perthshire Visual Artists' Forum to yooz.)
http://www.pvaf.org.uk/ for a lookie at what we get up to!
I was taking care of the bookings and by the time it actually happened I had taken up self harming and was eyeing the modem with a view to ripping the wires out and hanging myself. Really, artists are (generalising here, m'kay?) the most last-minute and dizzy group of individuals - I do include myself in that statement. Sometimes. Occasionally. NOT ANYMORE!
Anyway, by the time the Forum was properly underway and we were all feeling inspired and a-buzz with fab speakers etc, I was in love with the world again and even managed to be sociable till the very end. And they said it couldn't be done! Pah!
However, all of this has not been helping my patient clients and the
Fireplace (see earlier post) is still being created bit by bit. It did not help that I got some of the maths wrong (!) and have had to cut a few extra sizes, but no harm done. So I've been testing and, consequently, ordering glazes this week.
These are what the raw glazing looks like before firing and this was the first attempt. Normally I don't do a 'finished piece' test but in this case, I want to see the whole look. People who say "oh, I like it better before it gets fired" get a hard slap.
Ok. I like it better before it was fired too. Actually, the greenery is fine I think but the nasturtium itself is too dull and muddy. Having said that, my neighbour flippin' LOVED IT so of course, it's all subjective! I don't think it's what my esteemed client is looking for, though, so onwards...
The next test is in the kiln and it will tell me everything I need to know! Wish me luck. I've used brighter, more compatible colours and added some more green so we shall see. Listen out for screams of joy or horror!
Next lot before firing...
I'll get back to you!