Is it Sunday night already???????? *weeps* Been a busy week in the CWS Empire.
The result of which is this...
Nightmare!!! I can't help it... I have Potfest in a few weeks! Not to mention a number of orders and commisions...
Actually let's ignore that and pretend everything's fine, la la la...
So, I did a very good thing this week, production-wise: I changed my kiln elements after *cough* a number of years. Seriously, I could have fired tiles quicker just holding a match to them. First thing to do when your pristine and shiny new elements arrive (and after unplugging the thing) is remove the back of the kiln...
Er, er... ............ No, it looks bad but let me tell you I have tackled bigger kiln electrics that look prehistoric and a lot more crispy than this. Just get all the right bits to touch each other and not anything else and yer laughin'.
*looks around for the fire-blanket*
So this is where the elements terminate and hook up to the fizzy leckie. On the other side I was yanking out this:
Man those poor babies are well past retirement! (They are gonna look so good on the Lady-Robot costume I'm thinking of for a 2069 space party I'm attending soon though! I might wear them in my hair!)
Anyway, after much swearing, cutting my hands to ribbons and breathing lethal quantities of kiln fibre, (How many slivers of fibre does it take to do perminant damage, Ceri? Oh, I dunno... ONE?!!!), my little kiln looked like this:
Deep joy and much rejoicing! And yes it works! If only I could rejuvinate my own bits and bobs with so little effort.
Pauses for reflection....
Anyway, in anticipation of cuteness being a good thing for sales at Potfest, I've done some wee face badges and magnets - these are they in the raw: And these are they biscuit fired:
So that's a bit of a catch-up... just to show that when I'm not getting my paws dirty with mud, I'm just getting them dirtier with... other stuff.